This video focuses on the Energy and Astrology for the week of Dec. 23 ~ 31, 2024.
The Art aspect shifts somewhat each video and is born out of the spirit of the times.
There are noted moments in the piece regarding the current energy, art, signs and their planetary rulerships, sign modalities, and events such as, an exact square with Saturn and Jupiter (Dec. 24th,) Chiron moving Direct (Dec. 29th,) and the New Moon in Capricorn (Dec. 30th/31st.)
I mention a world meditation in this video. Pam Gregory, astrologer, made the original call to action. Here is one of her videos describing the meditation: • Sunday Meditation to Magnetise New Earth
Generally speaking, my videos are meant to support you in living your best life.
My hope is that my audience will be inspired. And, if anyone ever loses their way, may these offerings act like a North Star. I am ever grateful for the opportunity to share here.
Thanks ever so for being here now. Please like, share and subscribe if that feels good.
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